- 15/09/2024
How to enable directory listing in Nginx
To enable directory listing in Nginx, you need to configure the Nginx server block (also known as a virtual host) to allow directory browsing. Follow these steps:
1. Access Your Nginx Configuration
- Open the Nginx configuration file for your website. Typically, this will be in one of the following locations:
- For a specific site configuration: /etc/nginx/sites-available/your-site-name
- For the main Nginx configuration: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
2. Modify the Configuration to Enable Directory Listing
- Add or modify the configuration block for the location where you want directory listing to be enabled. You need to use the autoindex on; directive.
Here is an example configuration block:
server {
listen 80;
server_name example.com;
root /var/www/html;
location / {
autoindex on;
# Optional: Add fancy indexing and charset if needed
autoindex_exact_size off; # Displays file sizes in human-readable format
autoindex_localtime on; # Displays file modification times in local timezone
charset utf-8; # Ensure proper encoding
location /downloads/ {
autoindex on; # Enable directory listing for /downloads/ directory
- The autoindex on; enables directory listing in the root or in a specific location (like /downloads/ in the example).
3. Save the Configuration and Test Nginx
- Save the configuration file after making the changes.
- Test the configuration for any syntax errors using:
If there are no errors, the output will show something like:
4. Reload Nginx
- After confirming the syntax is correct, reload Nginx to apply the changes:
5. Verify Directory Listing
- Now, when you access the directory via a browser (e.g., http://example.com/ or http://example.com/downloads/), you should see a directory listing.
- Security Consideration: Be cautious when enabling directory listing. Ensure that sensitive directories are properly restricted using access controls, and that only the necessary directories are exposed.